21. System Info


13# Example -Class SysInfo Part 1(Provide SysInfo Class)

13# Example -Class SysInfo Part 2(Provide SysInfo Class)

This class contains all relevant information for system details.

class SysInfo {
        vector<string> lastCpuStats;
        vector<string> currentCpuStats;
        vector<string> coresStats;
        vector<vector<string>> lastCpuCoresStats;
        vector<vector<string>> currentCpuCoresStats;
        string cpuPercent;
        float memPercent;
        string osName;
        string kernelVer;
        long upTime;
        int totalProc;
        int runningProc;
        int threads;

        SysInfo() {
            Getting initial info about system
            Initial data for individual cores is set
            System data is set
            this->osName = ProcessParser::getOsName();
            this->kernelVer = ProcessParser::getSysKernelVersion();
        void setAttributes();
        void setLastCpuMeasures();
        string getMemPercent() const;
        long getUpTime() const;
        string getThreads() const;
        string getTotalProc() const;
        string getRunningProc() const;
        string getKernelVersion() const;
        string getOsName() const;
        string getCpuPercent() const;
        void getOtherCores(int _size);
        void setCpuCoresStats();
        vector<string> getCoresStats() const;


Some methods are wrappers around Process Parser methods:e:

string SysInfo::getCpuPercent() const 
    return this->cpuPercent;

string SysInfo::getMemPercent() const 
    return to_string(this->memPercent);

long SysInfo::getUpTime() const 
    return this->upTime;

string SysInfo::getKernelVersion() const 
    return this->kernelVer;

string SysInfo::getTotalProc() const 
    return to_string(this->totalProc);

string SysInfo::getRunningProc() const 
    return to_string(this->runningProc);

string SysInfo::getThreads() const 
    return to_string(this->threads);

string SysInfo::getOsName() const 
    return this->osName;

void SysInfo::setLastCpuMeasures()
    this->lastCpuStats = ProcessParser::getSysCpuPercent();


This method initializes attributes of the SysInfo class. It takes a size, or number of cores, and initializes the object. Besides that, this method sets previous data for a specific CPU core.

void SysInfo::getOtherCores(int _size)
    //when number of cores is detected, vectors are modified to fit incoming data
    this->coresStats = vector<string>();
    this->lastCpuCoresStats = vector<vector<string>>();
    this->currentCpuCoresStats = vector<vector<string>>();
    for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++) {
        this->lastCpuCoresStats[i] = ProcessParser::getSysCpuPercent(to_string(i));


This method updates and creates new datasets for CPU calculation. Every core is updated and previous data becomes the current data of calculated measures.

void SysInfo::setCpuCoresStats()
    // Getting data from files (previous data is required)
    for(int i = 0; i < this->currentCpuCoresStats.size(); i++) {
        this->currentCpuCoresStats[i] = ProcessParser::getSysCpuPercent(to_string(i));
    for(int i = 0; i < this->currentCpuCoresStats.size(); i++) {
        // after acquirement of data we are calculating every core percentage of usage
        this->cores_stats[i] = ProcessParser::PrintCpuStats(this->lastCpuCoresStats[i],this->currentCpuCoresStats[i]);
    this->lastCpuCoresStats = this->currentCpuCoresStats;


This function initializes or refreshes an object.

void SysInfo::setAttributes() 
    // getting parsed data
    this->memPercent = ProcessParser::getSysRamPercent();
    this->upTime = ProcessParser::getSysUpTime();
    this->totalProc = ProcessParser::getTotalNumberOfProcesses();
    this->runningProc = ProcessParser::getNumberOfRunningProcesses();
    this->threads = ProcessParser::getTotalThreads();
    this->currentCpuStats = ProcessParser::getSysCpuPercent();
    this->cpuPercent = ProcessParser::PrintCpuStats(this->lastCpuStats,this->currentCpuStats);
    this->lastCpuStats = this->currentCpuStats;


This method creates a string that represents a progress bar. The bar shows the current status of aggregate CPU utilization, or the utilization of a selected core.

// Constructing string for every core data display
vector<string> SysInfo::getCoresStats() const
    vector<string> result = vector<string>();
    for (int i = 0; i < this->coresStats.size() ;i++) {
        string temp = ("cpu" + to_string(i) +": ");
        float check = stof(this->cores_stats[i]);
        if (!check || this->coresStats[i] == "nan") {
            return vector<string>();
        temp += Util::getProgressBar(this->coresStats[i]);
    return result;